Welcome to Prep!
Starting school is such a giant milestone in every child’s life. At Preston Primary School we endeavour to create a safe and enjoyable classroom to help students with their learning and development. It is our goal to provide a learning environment that will motivate, challenge and support students in their journey to be lifelong learners. To assist with the move from Kindergarten to Foundation, we run a transition program in the lead up to starting school where we offer an extensive and ongoing range of activities and opportunities for families and children to get to know our school and to ensure both you and your child are ready to begin schooling life.
The Foundation year is an important year for students and families. We offer information sessions and numerous social activities to provide parents with skills and information. This will ensure your child reaches their full potential and eases into the school routine. Our priority is to ensure your child is inspired in their learning and is encouraged to explore new and challenging tasks as part of their learning.
- The Jolly Phonics Program is a fun and child centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. The students will learn the 42 letter sounds via actions and song.
- The Magic 100 Word Program assists students to learn words which help us become amazing readers!
- Each week the students participate in a Language Experience session this helps to develop their writing skills through first hand experiences.
- To support reading, students will receive take home readers for the week to assist with word recognition and fluency.
- Students learn to work with numbers to 20, shapes, location and patterns. They explore mathematical concepts and language using concrete materials, songs and books.
- Students develop problem solving skills through open ended questions and activities.
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships:
- We focus on developing resilience, respect, learning success and responsibility which are our school values at Preston Primary.
- The Foundation students will learn strategies to deal with bullying and are shown ways to help develop resilience.
Share Time:
- The students participate weekly in Share Time which allows them to share special things to show and discuss with their grade.
- Topics are reflective of what is being covered throughout the term and presentation styles progress as the students learn key skills to present
Term 4 Transition:
The Foundation students participate in a transition program to assist with making the move from Foundation to Grade 1. Students are introduced to a new teacher, classroom and grade. This transition gives the students an opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts on moving to the next year level.
Other Activities:
- We participate Footsteps Dance program every week in Term 2. This program focuses on the development of gross motor skills through movement and dance.
- Students also work towards a better understanding of core life skills such as listening, following instructions and teamwork.
- ICT is incorporated into our classes each week. iPads and laptops are used to support learning in the classroom.
As your child takes their journey through Foundation, they will receive more than just a great education. Students are offered a rich, diverse and stimulating range of opportunities that will spark their creative interest, inspire and encourage them to be lifelong learners.
Click here to view photos of our Junior School Campus.
Click here to view photos from the 100 Days of School Celebration