Welcome to Grade Three!
Grade 3 is an exciting stage, as children expand their horizons and significantly develop greater independence in the areas of learning, social responsibility and personal organisation. All children work in appropriate learning groups for Reading, Writing and Maths. Handwriting is a great challenge and takes on extra importance as the children work towards the mastery of joined handwriting. This effort and achievement is celebrated with the presentation of a joining licence.
During May over a three day period, Grade 3 students do NAPLAN (a national assessment program in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy). Parents and schools receive the results later in the year.
Their Mappen units of work explore Australian history from both Indigenous and settler perspectives, sustainability and the adaptations of endangered species, the science of forces and programming and coding and Australia’s place in the geographical world. Furthermore, students will research some of the commemorative holidays celebrated both at home and in the community.
ICT skills are developed using a bank of laptop computers and iPads, which are integrated into weekly numeracy and literacy sessions using a variety of apps and programs, including Mathletics. Grades also have weekly designated ICT sessions teaching specific technology skills including researching online, cyber safety, creating and sharing our learning using apps and programs and coding and programming.
One lunchtime a week, great fun is had with an organised Kickball and Dodgeball competition, with both a girls and boys fixture. The winners and runners up are awarded certificates. In Term 2, students attend a weekly Footsteps dance program. In Term 4 students have the opportunity to take part in a weekly swimming program at the Reservoir Leisure Centre.
Over the year the children enjoy a broad range of stimulating and challenging activities which include weekly Art, PE, Music and Italian lessons, along with themed whole school event days, once a term.
Homework is regularly given and is expected to be completed over a one week period .This is to allow students and their families to plan and fit in the set activities around everyone's busy schedules. Regular home reading, which at this stage should still include some reading aloud, is an extremely important part of the homework program. Maths tasks reinforce classroom work. Projects and oral presentations are assigned once a term to encourage students to share their speaking and listening skills. It allows students to practise planning and time management, research skills, organisation and oral language.
Grade 3 is an exciting stage, as children expand their horizons and significantly develop greater independence in the areas of learning, social responsibility and personal organisation. All children work in appropriate learning groups for Reading, Writing and Maths. Handwriting is a great challenge and takes on extra importance as the children work towards the mastery of joined handwriting. This effort and achievement is celebrated with the presentation of a joining licence.
During March over a two week period, Grade 3 students do NAPLAN (a national assessment program in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy). Parents and schools receive the results later in the year.
ICT skills are developed using a bank of laptop computers and iPads, which are integrated into weekly numeracy and literacy sessions using a variety of apps and programs, including Mathletics. Grades also have weekly designated ICT sessions teaching specific technology skills including researching online, cyber safety, creating and sharing our learning using apps and programs and coding and programming.
Grade 3, an exciting time for growing and working together!