Welcome to Grade Six!
This year Grade 6 operates in a similar way as other years, with the children being grouped for learning in the areas of Reading and Mathematics. iPads are integrated across all subject areas thorough the 1:1 iPad Program. Teachers are collectively responsible for the learning of all children in the year level. The year commenced with enthusiasm and commitment from students and teachers. The children are developing their skills in organisation and time management and are setting high standards for themselves in anticipation and preparation for secondary school. Throughout the year the students are engaged in Wellbeing activities which are based on the Education Department’s Wellbeing RRRR (Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships) Program. The topics studied are Personal Strengths, Problem Solving, Help-Seeking and Positive Gender Relations.
Term 1 is always exciting with the children adjusting to the routines of Grade 6. While academic achievement is always a priority, children have been fully engaged in Interschool Sports and personal achievements. As part of our Humanities unit we study democracy and our camp to Canberra is always a highlight. Our Speaking and Listening project for term 1 is “Me Box”.
In Term 2 we look at Australian History. The students visit Healesville Sanctuary to study the effects of sustainability on our native fauna. The focus of inter-school sport shifts to the winter sports and cross-country. Our Speaking and Listening project for term 2 is “I’m a fan of…” Students develop their understanding of on-line safety through the use of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s digital licence program. Families will also be asked to begin the process of transition to high school by giving their preferences.
Term 3 is another busy term. One of the highlights being the culmination of all of the children's hard work in drama throughout the year into an amazing performance at Reservoir High School’s Performing Arts Centre. Each year the children work very hard in preparation for this performance and it never disappoints. There is also athletics and a robotics incursion which looks at coding. This reinforces the skills being taught through the code.org unit in ICT.
In Term 4 we study geography. We look at Europe and North America . We reflect with the students upon their 7 years at Preston Primary and final preparations are made for the next major step – secondary school. Each student spends a day at their high school on the Year 7 Transition Day. The year culminates with a formal graduation ceremony at school followed that evening by a disco in the Milking Shed. The students then thoroughly enjoy their final primary school excursion to Latitude.
We are looking forward to the many learning challenges, individual achievements and Year 6 accomplishments and can’t wait to embrace the year ahead.