Welcome to Grade Five!
The Grade 5 Program is based on the Victorian curriculum. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship. Essential skills, knowledge and behaviours are organised under each strand.
Grade 5 operates with five teachers who are committed to the learning of all students. In Maths and Reading lessons, students are grouped according to their needs and teachers plan and track the progress of students throughout the year whereby students may move within these groups when necessary. Students remain in their home classes for their other subjects and specialists which include Drama, Art, PE and Italian lessons.
In writing, students produce narratives, information reports, persuasive texts and various forms of poetry. Students are also encouraged to develop their Speaking and Listening skills throughout the year with class presentations and expos as well as Grade 5 Debating opportunities in Term 3 and School Leadership applications for Grade 6 in Term 4.
Lessons in Maths involve teaching the proficiencies of understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning which are fundamental to working mathematically. These are applied across all three strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Additionally, students use the Mathletics app and program which informs student progress and further learning.
Digital technology is integrated into the classroom with the 1:1 iPad program in Grade 5. ICT skills are developed across the curriculum as well as with designated ICT sessions teaching specific technology skills including cyber safety, coding, online research and using a variety of apps to plan, create and communicate ideas, information and online collaborative projects.
Homework is given each week and is expected to be completed over a one week period. This includes a double sided Maths page which consolidates what is being taught in school and weekly spelling and grammar tasks. Students are also required to read at home and complete a reading diary.
Grade 5 Camp
Grade 5 is an exciting time as we embark on a two night stay at Creswick Camp. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to participate in team building activities such as orienteering, kayaking, the giant swing, campfires, a disco, flying fox, and a commando course. Our first day on the camp also includes a visit to Sovereign Hill.
At the beginning of March, our students participate in NAPLAN (a national assessment program in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy). Parents and schools receive the results later in the year which are used to inform further learning.
Inter School Sports Program
Students are able to participate in the school’s Inter School Sports programs in both Term 1 and Term 2. Term 1 sports include tee-ball, cricket, bat tennis and rounders. Term 2 sports include netball, football and soccer. Several of these sports have girls, boys and mixed teams.
Grade 5 looks forward to a very exciting year ahead!